Taking Time out for an Important Cause

I am taking time off today from Soiree for a very important reason - my handsome nephew Shea. He was diagnosed with neuroblastoma this past March, and today we are in Colordao supporting the Play for Shea golf tournament. My heart is overwhelmed by the generosity of everyone involved. It's a great day here and for all of you playing hookey from work to participate- THANK YOU. I have also been made aware that quite a few of my past couples have made donations. I will thank each and every one of you personally (we've been a little busy!) and wanted to make sure I sent out BIG HUGGS for your kindness. Shea has quickly become my hero, and made me realize I can never really say 'I'm having a bad day.' He has become an inspiration to many of us and I am so PROUD to be his Auntie.
Learn more about this dynamo at Shea's Village.

See you on the course!