Nantucket Daffodil Festival - What to Wear

A big part of the excitement of "Daffy Day" is not just being able to experience the beauty of the one million daffodils that are in bloom that weekend, or about the pristine vintage cars you'll get to see - it's about the fashion! And with having a vintage car parade vintage-inspired attire usually comes along with it. You'll see lots of vintage Lilly, floral prints and if you step back a little - you'll find yourself in a sea of green and yellow.
So to celebrate the festival and the beginning of spring, we've created a style board with our top picks for showing your Daffy Pride this year!
Nantucket Daffodil Festival
We also wanted to share some up close and personal photos of our floral accessories that we shared on Tuesday that are available for pre-order until April 18th! Call us at 508.228.6684 or send us a note:!

Our Floral Cocktail Ring - $30
And here's our Floral Cuff Bracelet - $35

These floral accessories are a fabulous option to spice up your Daffy outfit, show your Daffy pride and they're great for those of you not psyched about hats. (If you've been to the Daffodil Festival, you know what we mean.)

Be sure to check out our Daffy Inspired Pinterest board for more what to wear ideas!

Cheers Everyone!
The Soirée Team

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